Contact Us

Questions pertaining to Sunburst Farms East, Inc. can be directed to: SBFE BOD and Secretary Desiree Marciniak at, office number 602-996-5796.

Disclosure Statements for home sales are to be emailed to SBFE BOD and Secretary Desiree Marciniak at, office number 602-996-5796. Please include the property address in your request. Disclosure Fee is $400.00. Admin fee is $75.00. If documents are a RUSH add $150.00.

Requests for Homeowner Refinance documentation and Certificate of Insurance are to be directed to SBFE BOD and Secretary Desiree Marciniak at, office number 602-996-5796.. Please include the property address in your request.

Accounting related questions, please contact SBFE BOD and Secretary Desiree Marciniak at, office number . Please allow 24 hours for a response.

Arizona 88 requests – It is the property owners responsibility to contact Arizona 88 for utilities and for Sunburst Farms East Inc. (to mark irrigation lines, valves and risers) or for any work that will be done on any property in Sunburst Farms East Inc. The Board will designate a representative to mark the irrigation lines, valves and risers on the property and review the Bridle Path restrictions and any other details as they relate to proposed work on properties located in SBFE. Please contact SBFE BOD and Secretary Desiree Marciniak at, office number 602-996-5796.